JOBS’s key specialty of policy activity centers on access to
credit by SMEs. In a country where many micro-enterprises have
moderately simple entrance to credit through micro finance,
SMEs face greater hurdles, because they are too large to
qualify for micro finance loans but lack the collateral that
commercial banks require. As a result, the Project, with the
help of local and international experts, has drafted the
proposed Secured Transaction Act, which is currently being
reviewed by the government. This Act, if adopted, will place a
strong legal basis for lending against movable assets. The
following links will lead you to some publications on Secured
Transaction Act.
Allen Welsh
June 2001
Allen Welsh - November 2000
Patrick Meagher - June 1998
By Allen Welsh International Consultant Secured
Finance Institutional Reform and the Informal Sector (IRIS)
University of Maryland, College Park, USA